Step 01 - Order Details

    Your details (as the person filling out the form)

    Connection details

    Is this a new connection?*

    If unknown please call 0333 222 9099 (option 5) to obtain the serial number.

    Order Cut Off Times

    CSL Units 11:00 | All Other Units 14:00

    Step 02 - Site Details

    All goods are delivered to Installers Office NOT to the Site Address

    Is this a residential or commercial site?*
    Does the site have a sleeping risk?*

    Please confirm the Link Account and/or Branch which you require this account to be set up against to ensure the relevant protocols are selected.

    NOTE: If this account runs off our standard protocols and does not have its own Link Account or Branch please input ‘standard’.

    35 (MAX characters 35)
    Local Police Service Local Fire Service
    Is Monitored Open/Close required?*

    NOTE: If 'Yes' this is a chargeable service.
    Please contact [email protected] if you require a quotation

    What is the billing address?*

    Site Opening Times

    Please confirm the standard Schedule (Open and Closing times) of the Site

    This needs to be in 24 hr format. Please state if the site remains open overnight

    Open Overnight?


    Step 03 - Product Type

    Product Range*
    CSL Product Range*
    BT Redcare Range*
    Single Path*

    Additional Hardware Required?

    High Gain Aerial ADSL Filter Other
    Panel Type* Signalling Format*
    Does the site have more than one Area?


    Transmitter Pin Setup

    Please confirm if should be set up as 1 or 8001


    Step 04 - Additional Information

    Is there a Guarding Agency / Keyholding Service is listed on the account?

    Guarding Agency

    Guarding Agency Details



    Keyholder 1 Details

    35 | MAX characters 35

    Keyholder 2 Details

    35 | MAX characters 35

    Keyholder 2 Details

    35 | MAX characters 35

    Keyholder 3 Details

    35 | MAX characters 35

    Keyholder 4 Details

    35 | MAX characters 35

    If you would like to forward the details of this form to other contacts please enter their email addresses here:

    I certify that the information I have entered is correct to the best of my knowledgeY

    Supporting files

    CV must be a .jpg, .png, .jpeg, .gif, .pdf, .docx, .doc or .xlsx file and under 500kb