Please ensure all information is completed as fully as possible including full telephone numbers, including dialling codes. Incomplete information may cause delays in actioning any activations.
Please note, we require a minimum of 2 individual contacts who live within 20 minutes of the site and who have their own transport, and a maximum of 4 individual contacts.
Please be advised that all previous keyholder information will be removed from the account and replaced with the below, please ensure to include any current keyholders if they are to remain on the call out list. If you have a Guarding Agency / Keyholding Company please ensure to include them each time in the Guarding Agency section so they are not removed from the account.
Your Customers Details - As they appear on our System
Guarding Agency / Keyholding Companies are set up separately to keyholders on our system and will follow our standard protocols for availability.
Please contact your Installer / Account Manager if you require clarification on this.
All information will be input onto your account exactly as it shows on the above form, we accept no liability for incorrect or missing information or any issues that may arise from us being provided incorrect information.